Organic Leek

Sale price Price €4,83 Regular price Unit price  per  bunch

Clara and her mother grow leeks on their farm in Xàtiva, using sustainable and environmentally friendly farming methods. By not using chemicals, the growth of the leeks is more natural, although slower, which contributes to their intense flavour and superior quality.

They employ traditional techniques such as fallowing and crop rotation to maintain soil health and promote biodiversity. They also plough the land by hand or with the help of horses and enrich the soil with natural manure.

They also use strategically planted aromatic plants to control pests naturally, creating a balanced ecosystem that benefits the growth of leeks.

1 Bunch Leeks
Approx. 500g
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Direct product from the farmer.

Clara and her mother grow leeks on their farm in Xàtiva, using sustainable and environmentally friendly farming methods. By not using chemicals, the growth of the leeks is more natural, although slower, which contributes to their intense flavour and superior quality.

They employ traditional techniques such as fallowing and crop rotation to maintain soil health and promote biodiversity. They also plough the land by hand or with the help of horses and enrich the soil with natural manure.

They also use strategically planted aromatic plants to control pests naturally, creating a balanced ecosystem that benefits the growth of leeks.

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Direct product from the farmer.

Organic Leek

Organic Leek
Organic Leek
Organic Leek
Organic Leek
Organic Leek
Organic Leek

I am Clara

My mother and I grow our native leeks in Xàtiva using traditional and sustainable techniques, without chemicals and using natural manure and aromatic plants for a superior flavor.