At the beginning of November 2022, the Valencian Association of Farmers (AVA-Asaja) reported the García Carrión business group to Autocontrol, an organization that ensures the veracity of advertising. The reason is an advertisement for industrial orange juice from a brand well known to everyone.

Eat oranges from the farmer, directly from the tree and without additives

At Campos del Abuelo we join in this outrage with farmers like us, who work hard day after day to harvest the best orange directly from the tree so that our customers can enjoy the best juice of this wonderful citrus fruit; from our field to your home, always fresh, without additives, zero waste and without intermediaries.

The controversial advertisement begins like this: “Did you know that once an orange is picked from a tree, it loses its properties?”, in order to then highlight the supposed and false benefits of the industrial juices of its brand.

At Campos Del Abuelo we join in denouncing this absurdity of misleading advertising , and we want, through these lines, to show you what fresh orange juice without any chemical additives really is: that of farmers.

Photo of Eduardo with the juice smiling

Just because a package says “fruit juice” doesn’t mean it’s natural . If a juice is made from concentrate, it means that the water has been removed from the juice itself to make the concentrate , and then water and other compounds have been added back in at the time of packaging.

In this video you will see the juice that comes from an orange from our orchard, at its optimal point of ripeness... Now that's 100% natural juice!

Benefits of 100% natural juice

As farmers and daily consumers of our own juice oranges, we at Campos del Abuelo list the most important benefits for you.

First, if you want to know how to make your juice perfect and with zero bitter taste, we recommend this article .

Now, let's learn about the benefits:

100% natural orange juice freshly squeezed from the tree

  • Strengthens the immune system
  • Improves eyesight
  • Prevents aging
  • Protect the heart
  • Prevents ulcers
  • Reduces uric acid
  • Eliminates toxins
  • Moisturizes the skin

Nothing much, huh? Take care of your health by drinking natural juice, but with fresh oranges from the countryside . Do it for your health and for the survival of this wonderful delicacy of nature!

Eduardo Cifre


Muchas gracias por un articulo tan informativo y por explicar tan bien las cosas.

— Belén Relaño Cotta

Tiene toda la razón. Si el sabor de un vaso con zumo de naranja en brick no tiene el sabor de naranja,sabe a algo artificial como hecho con polvos. Estoy contigo . El sabor es diferente y eso no se puede discutir

— M.Carmen Astilleros