At Campos del Abuelo we try to bring in different guests. And although they are all special, we are pleased to introduce you to an ingredient that awakens the senses and appetite of any lover of good cooking and that you can now buy directly from the farmer: tender garlic.

Did you know that spring garlic is like a young version of garlic? It is related to onions and leeks, which in turn belong to the lily family.
I assure you that when you finish reading this article, you will be able to identify green garlic and it will never go unnoticed again.
Grandma's remedies: The healing benefits of green garlic
To start with, although it may sound like a cliché, garlic is like the superfood of vegetables! It contains a ton of vitamins and minerals , including iron, silicon, sulfur, iodine, manganese, selenium, and a whole alphabet of vitamins: B1, B2, B6 and C.
We've all had conversations with our grandmothers in which they give us some natural remedy for almost any illness. Mine, for example, had a remedy she claimed was "infallible" to eliminate nasal congestion caused by colds and flu. This remedy consisted of cutting an onion in half and leaving it next to you while you sleep.
To be honest, I've only tried it once, so it's definitely not my favorite air freshener.
But in my grandmother's world of home remedies, green garlic was her other infallible secret. She told me that it was like a super natural antibiotic to fight colds. And this is no invention, since ancient times garlic was already used to treat various conditions due to its antiseptic properties.
In addition, green garlic is not only a powerful natural antibiotic, but because it contains allicin it helps us to take care of our cardiovascular system. It acts above all as an excellent detoxifier for our body, purifying toxins and heavy metals such as mercury that the liver cannot process.
After this article, I promise you will be almost as wise as our grandparents.

Growing tender garlic
Centuries-old tradition of cultivation in Xàtiva
Tender garlic is a hit in kitchens around the world. At Campos del Abuelo we bring you tender garlic that is grown using methods created more than 200 years ago.

As expert farmers, our team on the lands of Xàtiva is ready to give us a tour of the intricacies of growing this delicacy. It has been grown on our lands for centuries, so we take it with respect.
Farmers in Xàtiva strive to maintain traditions. The legacy is important and has been preserved for generations.
The history of garlic in this region is a testament to the respect and care for these lands. Of course, the result is a garlic that leaves no one indifferent.
As we have already pointed out, tender garlic is the adolescent version of garlic, it comes from the same plant but is harvested at different times.
Is there any difference between fresh garlic and dried garlic?
Land preparation and planting time play a fundamental role in the garlic cultivation process.
Land preparation begins in the months of October and November. Farmers wait approximately three months to harvest, which is usually done between February and April , obtaining tender garlic.
On the other hand, the cultivation of common garlic follows a similar process in terms of land preparation and planting begins in the same months (October to November) . However, the difference lies in the time of harvest.
If we wait six to eight months for harvesting, that is, between June and August, we obtain classic or dry garlic.

Traditional tips and techniques
The preparation of the soil is done with great care and precision. The garlic is planted at a depth of about 5 or 6 centimeters, vertically.
In our region there are two varieties, the “cama llarga” variety and the “cama curta” variety , the main difference being in the sowing. The first is sown at the end of summer and harvested between autumn and winter, while the cama curta is sown later, and the harvest lasts until May.
According to our farmers, it is a plant that requires patience , since although it adapts well to different terrains, it can be slow and take a while to germinate.
If you are wondering what temperatures can affect them, it is important to note that they prefer mild temperatures to excessively hot ones.
During the growth cycle of our garlic plants, we can face various problems or enemies that can damage the harvest , such as harmful insects and fungal diseases. These pests can be a nuisance, but with a little attention we can keep them at bay and protect them!
And finally, it is time to harvest. The best agricultural tools are our own hands, but to make our work easier , the hook ensures that we harvest without damaging the garlic.

So the next time you taste a dish with spring garlic, remember all the work and passion behind each green stalk. It is more than a vegetable, it is a story of dedication and love for the countryside!
Where to buy green garlic online?
In Campos del Abuelo we have Fruits directly from the farmer without post-harvest chemicals. On our website you can buy spring onions from 1 kilo, as well as other seasonal fruits and vegetables .
Visit our online fruit and vegetable store and customize your own box.
Buenos días
Los productos son estupendos , pero solo puedo comprar cuando descanso , así q hay veces q estoy sin fruta y verdura. Presentación maravillosa y te llega muy bien .