Only a few are able to appreciate the small nuances of the different types of persimmons that exist , considering that there are thousands of them. But there is a persimmon that is unique in the world and we have it in Valencia .

We can say, in general terms, that persimmons are divided into two groups : astringent and non-astringent. The varieties in each of them are very numerous.

Astringent persimmons

These fruits ripen completely on the tree , and then undergo a process to remove their astringency .

  • Bright Red : It comes from a unique variety that is only produced in our community, the Valencian Community. It has a delicate skin and hard flesh. In fact, this is the variety that we have been producing and that is available on our website. You can purchase our Bright Red persimmon here .
  • Eureka : Eureka persimmons come from a smaller tree that can withstand drought and cold very well. It has a high productivity.
  • Hachiya : In this case, they come from a large tree, which produces a large quantity of fruit. They are the most astringent and their flesh is eaten like a pudding.
  • Koushu-Hyakume : This fruit is one of the varieties of Japanese persimmon. It is also very popular and is often used for drying.

Non-astringent persimmons

All persimmons belonging to this species can be consumed after being harvested, as they do not require any further treatment . They are harvested in late autumn and during the winter.

  • Fuyu : Its fruits are bright orange on the outside and slightly paler on the inside. Its pulp is dense and crunchy.
  • Honan red : It is very similar to the previous variety, with the difference that the fruits are very sweet and orange-red in color.
  • Jiro : This is the lowest variety. It produces yellow fruits, which are very sweet and are harvested in early autumn.
  • Sharon : Also known as Triumph, its fruits are soft and tasteless, and can be eaten even when hard.

Persimmon varieties that have already had their astringency removed are known in the market as Persimon. This is why if you see a persimmon or kaki persimon, it means that it no longer has astringency and you can eat it directly.

The variety we have at Campos Del Abuelo is the bright red variety, the authentic one from Valencia and although it is originally astringent, ours have already had the astringency removed naturally , so you can eat them without having to do anything else. 

Because their season is short, you may want to save them for later. For proper preservation, we recommend storing them in the refrigerator and handling them very little.

We have already mentioned on some occasions that persimmons can be astringent or not . Those that are need a process through which their astringency is eliminated, and that does not take too long. With this, they are ready for consumption. So you probably want to know how to remove the astringency from persimmons .

In conclusion, in recent years, the Mediterranean basin has become a reference point for the production of persimmons in Europe. Specifically in Valencia , where we have the best persimmons.

Remember that at Campos Del Abuelo you have seasonal fruit directly from the farmer to your table and without post-harvest chemicals.

Eduardo Cifre