¿Cuál es la mejor variedad de granada y por qué?

What is the best variety of pomegranate and why?

Hello again, as you already know, I am Eduardo and I am a farmer and I answer the most common questions about seasonal fruits . In this case we have...
Marketing Campos Del Abuelo
¿Qué son los grupos de consumo y qué alternativas hay?

What are consumer groups and what alternatives are there?

Consumer groups are an option when you want products directly from the farmer. I'm going to tell you a little about how this system works and we'll also talk about...
Marketing Campos Del Abuelo
La mejor berenjena de todas: la Rayada

The best eggplant of all: the Striped one

Few have heard of the striped eggplant , since the one that predominates in the market is the black eggplant. But, unlike the black eggplant, this purple-tinged variety is not bitter,...
Marketing Campos Del Abuelo
¿Cómo ha avanzado la agricultura en la sociedad? Te lo contamos…

How has agriculture advanced in society? We tell you about it…

Agriculture has been a determining factor in social and economic activities throughout history. To support this statement, we are going to tell you why. But first we have to go back...
Comprar directamente del Agricultor: La clave para alimentos frescos y apoyar el campo Español

Buying directly from the Farmer: The key to fresh food and supporting the Spanish countryside

( You can visit our webshop here to buy fresh fruit and vegetables direct from our fields .) The sale of fruit and vegetables directly from the farmer is something...
Un caqui único en el mundo y lo tenemos en Valencia

A unique persimmon in the world and we have it in Valencia

There is a variety that is unique in the world and we have it in Valencia. It has a protected designation of origin from the Ribera del Xúquer, we are...
Marketing Campos Del Abuelo
Naranja de Campos del Abuelo

How do you know if an orange is bad?

Sometimes it is not so easy to recognize whether an orange is suitable for juice or for eating. In this article, and directly from the field, we will tell you...
Marketing Campos Del Abuelo
Ana recolectando manzanas | Campos del Abuelo

Apples: from the field to stories

The apple is one of the most popular fruits. Not only because it has gained the reputation of being the healthiest , but because it appears in a variety of...
Marketing Campos Del Abuelo
Valencia Late: la última naranja de la temporada

Valencia Late: the last orange of the season

When you go to the supermarket you probably go around like a headless chicken among the great variety of oranges that exist . And even more so if you are...
Marketing Campos Del Abuelo
Cómo quitar la aspereza a los caquis

How to remove the roughness from persimmons

If you have bought persimmons and they have not removed the astringency , do not worry because the astringency is quite common in this variety of fruit. Although it depends...
Marketing Campos Del Abuelo
Caqui Rojo Brillante variedades valencia

Types of persimmons: Which ones can we find?

Only a few are able to appreciate the small nuances of the different types of persimmons that exist , considering that there are thousands of them. But there is a...
Eduardo Cifre
Agricultores de Campos del Abuelo

Is it cheaper to buy from a farmer? We give you all the keys

Many people have the misconception that buying directly from the farmer will result in "cheaper" products (economically), without appreciating how much we gain nutritionally . If we really want a...
Marketing Campos Del Abuelo