Supermercado, frutería o agricultor ¿Dónde comprar fruta de buena calidad?

Supermarket, fruit store or farmer Where to buy good quality fruit?

We are quite aware of the need to consume fruits and vegetables since they are the basis of a healthy diet. But there is one aspect that we rarely take...
Eduardo Cifre
El zumo industrial, no es zumo

Industrial juice is not juice

At the beginning of November 2022, the Valencian Association of Farmers (AVA-Asaja) reported the García Carrión business group to Autocontrol, an organization that ensures the veracity of advertising. The reason...
Eduardo Cifre
Pela La Naranja Con Cuchillo, Como Un Agricultor

Peel Orange With Knife, Like A Farmer

The orange is, without a doubt, one of the tastiest and healthiest fruits out there. Among its benefits is its ability to strengthen the immune system, due to its high...
Eduardo Cs
Intrusismo en el mercado de la naranja

Intrusion in the orange market

Intrusion into the orange market is destroying the farmers and the excellence of the fruit. Be careful! Don't be fooled. Our situation is alarming due to the proliferation of scammers...
Eduardo Cifre